
Embrace Freedom With the Embraer Lineage 1000E

Imagine getting on a plane without any other passengers. And then flying anywhere.

That’s the freedom of an Embraer Lineage 1000E.

  • Up to 18 passengers
  • A range of 8000 kms
  • Best in its class for cabin and luggage space

A commercial jet, stripped of its usual seats and passengers, made private.

Introducing the Embraer Lineage 1000E for Charter

When creating the Lineage 1000E, Embraer took a completely different approach to the Bombardier Global Express and Dassault Falcon 7x. This is not purely a private jet.

The Embraer Lineage 1000E is the executive version of the popular E-190 airliner that’s used by major airlines like British Airways and Finnair.

One of the big selling points for this jet is the wide, spacious cabin. This is the same cabin that fits 100+ people in its commercial airliner version. Next time you board a flight in Europe, just imagine the plane without any other passengers. Imagine it without any seats as well. And just how much more comfortable it would be.

Need a Private Jet for Your Next Trip?

So Much Space and Freedom

With the Embraer Lineage 1000E you enjoy the extra space and comfort of the largest VIP airliners, such as a Boeing BBJ, but at a lower price point. Typically the cabin will have five distinct sections. There will be a queen-sized bed, a walk-in shower, different seating options, space to work and space to play.

At 4500 nautical miles, the Lineage 1000E lacks the ultra-long range of the Bombardier Global, but you do get all the extra cabin space. You can reach most destinations in the world with a single flight, like Maldives, Seychelles, Dubai, Botswana, and more. For the most far flung destinations you will need to stop and refuel.

So you do need the extra space and comfort. But how about a layover? Some of our clients use this as an opportunity to stop en route to do some shopping or explore a new destination.

Are you ready to fly?

Flying Inside an Embraer 1000E

With this extra space Embraer can get creative with the interiors. They built a Skyyacht interior inspired by a 1930s yacht, a minimalist Kyoto style with large panoramic windows, and art deco Manhattan. When you buy an Embraer Lineage 1000E you can have a jet interior designer (yes, that really is a profession) create something custom for you.

Instead of spending $80 million on a private jet, you’ll have a lot more freedom utilising private jet charters (and a lot more spending money leftover). Different jets are best for different trips, dependent on who you travel with and where you are going.

With an Embraer 1000E you can really embrace freedom. You can fly anywhere, more comfortably than any other aircraft on the planet. So where do you want to fly?

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