
Ready to Explore…Congo?

The lung of the world. A home to gorillas, elephants and hundreds of rare species. An adventure like no other. So are you ready?

We’re talking about the world’s second-largest rainforest, a wilderness so vast it absorbs 4% of our world’s carbon emissions.

We’re exploring a country so wild and wondrous your friends won’t believe you can even go there. We’re talking about a holiday in the Congo.

Make no mistake, you’ll be getting wet and dirty. But the accommodation is far more comfortable than you may think.

So are you really ready? Because there is no other adventure like this.

Western lowland gorilas in Congo

Congo, not the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is famous for armed conflicts. It is definitely not a destination we recommend.

The Republic of Congo is a completely different country, one that is safe, peaceful and waiting to be explored. Here you’ll find the Amazon of Africa. Not only is the Congo more accessible than the Amazon, it has bigger wild animals. Like gorillas.

You’ll first fly to the capital city Brazzaville, which is easiest on Air France from Paris. Our partner in the Congo has its own aircraft and pilots, ready to fly you north into Odzala-Kokoua National Park and the Congo Basin.

Ready to explore?

First, Gorillas. And Ngaga Camp

In Congo you can explore three completely different habitats. Over seven or ten days you will explore rainforest, savannah and the salty swamplands known as bais.

Ready to Explore Congo?

To go gorilla trekking you set off directly from Ngaga Camp. Yes, you’re staying that close to wild western lowland gorillas.

Gorilla trekking in Congo

In Rwanda and Uganda there are many habituated gorilla families and gorilla trekkers. Congo has a maximum of eight gorilla permits per day – just think how few people get to experience this.

Of course there are no roads. At least there are wild forest elephants though, who create natural paths in the forest. Treks will take you into a land few people have ever seen. And then there’s a moment when time stands still. The gorillas are right there, staring straight back at you.

Gorilla trekking in Congo

For this part of the trip you’ll stay at Ngaga Camp. There are only six suites, raised on stilts in the rainforest canopy, connected by 360-degree viewing walkways.

Mornings are for gorilla trekking. Afternoons are for forest walks, bird watching, riverside sundowners before watching the stars.

Ngaga Camp, Odzala National Park

Next, the Bai. And Lango Camp

A “bai” is a saltwater swamp in the rainforest. It’s the place where animals congregate, because there is water and minerals These bais are the safari centrepiece of the Congo Rainforest.

Here you will get wet and muddy. You’ll be wading knee-high through the swamp, in the company of bongos, forest buffalos, sitatungas, putty nosed monkeys and pygmy hippos.

Forest buffalo

It’s a completely different animal kingdom to East or Southern Africa. Many of these species are not found anywhere else. And you can watch from your en-suite forest chalet.

Like Ngaga, the six suites at Lango Camp are raised above the ground, stylised on how the locals live in this forest canopy.

Lango Camp

African safari usually means game drives. Not here. Mostly you’ll be walking or doing boat or kayak safaris.

We don’t recommend this adventure if your idea of safari is spotting the big five. This is really about a total immersion in a rare habitat that’s home to hundreds of endemic species.

Just think about how many boats and lodges there are in the Amazon. Well, there’s only one way you can explore the Congo. The rarity is mindblowing.

Forest elephants

Now the Savannah Experience

Travelling to Mboko Camp is quite an experience. First follow a wooden pathway on foot, next do a game drive, then find yourself on the open savannah at a camp on the river. At Mboko you’ll stay in a tented suite next to the water.

Kayaking down the Lekoli River

Unfortunately, children are not allowed at this or any of the camps, nor on the activities. It’s a strictly 16+ experience.

Don’t expect too many traditional luxuries. It’s rustic and comfortable, with spacious en-suite rooms and the biggest luxury of all – opportunity to immerse yourself in another world.

Mboko Camp

Perhaps you spot chimpanzees on a forest walk. Or great blue turaco fly above your kayak. There could be serval, spotted hyenas or forest elephants drinking by the riverside. You’ll be wading down a river tracking an endangered species.

Throughout your three-camp Congo experience there is also the opportunity to meet the locals, connecting with people who have lived in the rainforest for so many generations.

Odzala National Park – Republic of Congo

Conserving the Lung of our Planet

So are you ready to explore the Congo? We can customise the length of your stay or focus more on specific activities or animals.

Your adventure is not just a holiday. We partner with the Congo Conservation Company, established in 2008 solely as a conservation program. Later, they added tourism, as a way to generate funds and share the story of this undocumented place.

Ready to explore?

Most of your trip money goes directly to conservation activities. You’ll see first hand the results of the money you spend. In this time of deforestation and endangered animals, isn’t it great to celebrate and support a successful conservation program, one that has really made a positive impact?

A seven night trip costs around €12000, per person sharing. Ten nights costs around €15500. This is inclusive of all accommodation, meals, activities, internal flights, medical evacuation, all permits and conservation fees. Most drinks are also included, although don’t expect much from the wine selection. This is the Congo. Wine isn’t why you go.

Lango Camp

Ready to Explore?

So are you ready to explore? Are you ready to jump out of your comfort zone? Do you want to explore a destination so exclusive that most people won’t even believe you went there.

Yes, it’s possible. And not only in the Congo.

We are explorers. And we’ll help you explore the world in comfort. As Saint Augustin said, the world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page. With us, you’ll keep turning the pages.

Gorilla near Ngaga Camp

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