
Nikol Martinkova

Finance Assistant


It was travelling to countries like China and Japan in my youth that really gave me the travel bug. Even in Europe I was fascinated by experiencing other cultures, customs and traditions. In Asia, staying with locals and learning how they lived was such a powerful experience, a real turning point. As was attending a three-day Indian wedding!

I’m very happy to be working in travel, with my finance expertise. After all, whenever I’m finishing a holiday I’m already planning the next one. I like action-packed itineraries and doing as much as possible, uncovering the clues of a culture both past and present. And I don’t go back to the same places either, so it’s great to be surrounded by all our team’s knowledge.

Walking, history and local gastronomy are all part of my travels and my quest for really meaningful experiences. Lately I’ve come to enjoy solo travel, leaving my husband and two boys for a long weekend of wandering and relaxing.