
Longevity Weekend in the Alps

Longevity is one of the most important elements of life. Who doesn’t want to live to a blessed old age in good shape?

We have created a long weekend with the theme of LONGEVITY in cooperation with the EliteMedical clinic. It’s from 21 – 24 November 2024. Your guides will be František Knobloch, longevity specialist at EliteMedical, and fitness trainer Lukáš Wolf.

This is an opportunity to spend four days in the beautiful countryside, in the foothills of the Austrian Alps at Hotel Krallerhof. You will learn practical and theoretical knowledge under the guidance of these two renowned experts.

It’s an opportunity to start or strengthen your journey to better health and longer life.

A long weekend focused on longevity

During these four days you will learn and experience the latest science-based information on topics such as:

  • Longevity and how to understand it
  • Sleep and circadian rhythms
  • Healthy eating
  • Exercise and movement
  • Stress management, including different techniques, mindfulness-based meditation and sleep meditation
  • The importance of being in nature
  • Prevention of modern diseases, like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases
  • The principles of proper and safe cold baths
  • The basics of strength training, HIIT training methods, mobilization and stabilization

In addition you will have four days to enjoy:

  • Relaxation at the Krallerhof Hotel, with its brand new spa and 50-metre pool
  • The opportunity to have individual or couple consultations with Frantisek or Lukas
  • The beautiful nature and fresh air of the Austrian Alps

The aim of the weekend is not only to give you scientifically proven information, but to help you put these principles into your everyday life, in a way that is convenient and feasible for you.

In this way you can build a foundation for the most important habits towards longevity and health.

Will you join our intimate group of 14 travelers who are taking a step in the right direction towards health and longevity?

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1/ Thursday 21st November / Introduction to LONGEVITY

  • Arrive at Hotel Krallerhof
    The Hotel Krallerhof is located approximately 4.5 hours’ drive from Prague, between Salzburg and Innsbruck. If you do not want to drive your own car, we will be happy to arrange transport for you.
    The Krallerhof is a wellness hotel with organic architecture that blends into the surrounding nature. The eclectic design and materials specifically promote wellbeing and regeneration. The hotel boasts a 50-metre swimming pool and a new spa with several different saunas and treatments drawing on healing methods from both East and West. You will be accommodated in the Double Room Hesse category.
  • Afternoon: Introductory lecture on LONGEVITY
    František Knobloch will show you the latest findings in the field of longevity in health and how to understand this concept. He will teach you how to navigate the plethora of information, how to evaluate it and choose what’s relevant to you. He will describe the basic principles and advise you on how to implement them into your daily routine to make them a healthy habit. Among other essential information, this introductory lecture teaches the importance of circadian rhythms and the effect of light on sleep.
  • Evening: Diet and nutrition, an introductory insight
    We are all different, but the basic building blocks of our bodies are the same. In this session you will learn the basic principles of nutrition, such as the number of meals, their timing, nutritional biochemistry and how to navigate the complexity of this topic. You’ll also learn what issues are not uniform in science, what claims to be careful of, and why some extreme eating habits can be a good servant but a bad master.
  • Evening: Meditation
    You will learn the principles of meditation as a tool for stress management. In guided contemplation you will experience the positive impact of mindfulness on your overall sense of well-being. Mindfulness reduces tension, brings order to the chaos of emotions, and protects against feelings of burnout. It improves our ability to communicate and teaches us to live in the Here and Now.

Day 2 / Friday 22nd November / MOVEMENT

  • Morning: Lecture on movement and exercise concepts
    This lecture will look at how movement and exercise can be divided into four categories according to their effects on the body. We will see the information we have about the “optimal amount”. Few people realise that for optimal longevity, it is necessary to engage all four types of movement and also pay attention to stability and mobility. In particular, Francis will explain the tremendous impact of physical training on maintaining health and quality of life in later life, which is supported by a wealth of scientific evidence.
  • Morning: Mobilisation and stabilisation
    Lukáš Wolf will show you that in practice each part of the body needs a slightly different “care”. Lack of mobility or stability in a particular area can cause poor muscular flow and increase pain and musculoskeletal problems. You will experience the effectiveness of these techniques and how to get maximum results in minimum time. A few well-chosen exercises can literally change your life.
  • Afternoon: Strength and HIIT training
    Muscular strength is a prerequisite for long-lasting movement that ensures self-care in old age. Strength training performs a slightly different function at each stage of life, so it’s never too late to start. Lukáš will teach you how to train effectively with long-lasting benefits. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training focuses on improving one of the most important fitness parameters, VO2max, which is your maximum rate of oxygen consumption. Better values are clearly linked to both longer life and a better quality of life in older age. Training of this type also allows us to keep up our favourite activities in old age. Group exercise also has a positive impact and supportive influence when training, as intense intervals can be challenging for most people.
  • Evening: Individual consultation / exercise
    František and Lukáš will be available for your specific questions, whether they are related to diet, exercise or any other topic. They will help you fine-tune your own plan, so that whatever you take away from the weekend will have the greatest impact on the quality of your daily life.
  • Evening: NSDR
    This relaxation technique means non-sleep deep rest. You will learn about the neurological principles of deep rest, and how to switch to the parasympathetic, resting branch of the autonomic nervous system. You will also experience guided relaxation that draws on modern methods such as autogenic training and ancient ones such as yoga nidra.

Day 3 / Saturday 23rd November / COLD AND HEAT

  • Morning: Lecture on cold baths, sauna and the importance of being in nature
    The positive effects of cold and heat are known in many ancient cultures and increasingly in our own. Cold has anti-inflammatory effects and increases our resistance to ageing and disease. In this lecture you will learn how to approach cold baths wisely and safely, so that it is effective and does not become an unnecessary stress for the body. The same applies to sauna therapy, which has become a key tool for the prevention of many diseases, but also for regeneration and sports performance. Evidence of the effects of extreme temperatures on the body is mounting, as is the effect of being outdoors on the health and immune system.
  • Afternoon: Nature trip and cold bath
    Together we will go out into the beautiful nature of the Alps, where we will try cold baths with breathing exercises. A well-executed hyperventilation warms us up from the inside. Even those who don’t normally enjoy cold baths are surprised at what they can tolerate and how pleasant the cold can be.
  • Evening: Individual consultation and exercise
    František and Lukáš will once again be available for your specific questions, whether they are related to diet, exercise or any other topic. They will help you fine-tune your own plan so that whatever you take away from the weekend will have the greatest impact on the quality of your daily life.
  • Evening: Sauna
    After a day of cold bathing there’s nothing more pleasant than a nice, warm sauna. The feeling of relaxation that washes over us after a sauna session is very therapeutic. The effects of regular sauna sessions on long-term health are enormous. You’ll feel recharged with a new dose of motivation.

Day 4 / Sunday 24th November / FOOD

  • Morning: Diet and nutrition – practical tips
    How do you navigate the market for healthy food and nutritional supplements? How do you read labels and know the ingredients of food? Which additives should you watch out for? In this lecture you will also learn how to search for and evaluate scientific information, because nutrition is not a closed topic and information is constantly evolving.
  • Departure
    Return home on your own. You may want to play a round of golf on one of the nearby courses. We can also arrange a longer hotel reservation and other experiences in the area, as well as transport if you don’t want to drive your own car.

Price: 1.800 EUR / person (single supplement applies)

The price includes the program listed above and accommodation at the Hotel Krallerhof from 21 – 24 November 2024 in a Double Room Hesse with half board.

Who will benefit from the LONGEVITY WEEKEND?

This long weekend is really suitable for everyone, because the program will be tailored not only to your current condition, but also to your knowledge of the topic.

Whether you are just starting to consider the topic of longevity, or have been interested in it for some time, you will return home with new, practical information and even healthier habits.

The intimate group atmosphere is supportive and the one-on-one consultations give you the space to fine-tune details that interest you.

If you have any doubts about whether the weekend is right for you, get in touch – we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Who are your guides?

František Knobloch graduated in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and is now studying Physiology with a focus on Neurobiology at Charles University in Prague. He works as a longevity specialist at EliteMedical clinic.

František is especially dedicated to the prevention of modern 21st-century diseases (civilisation diseases) and prolonging the healthy part of life by all available means. He is co-owner and managing director of all4longevity s.r.o., which is intensively involved in this field and offers both individual consultations and corporate consulting.

Lukáš Wolf is a fitness trainer and functional training specialist. He graduated in Sports Management and Coaching at the Faculty of Physical Training of the University of Technology in Olomouc. He is also a certified DNS trainer (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization by Prof. Pavel Kolář, Ph.D.). He continues to expand his education and qualifications in Czech and with international courses.

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