
Cordoba Royal Stables - Sensational Equestrian Show

A local performance unique to Andalusia awaits you. It is of course that of the Cordoba Equestrian Show. Immerse yourself in the spins of the gypsy dancer, as she twirls in her flaming red dress. Follow the steps of the noble steed, as he, too, assembles for the routine.

Founded back in 1570 by horse-loving King Felipe II, the Cordoba Royal Stables are truly well-renowned. Praised for spirit as well as grace, they offer the finest in equestrian culture. Relish a raw ambience, as you prepare to witness complex moves beside pace and precision. Amid a setting that’s both authentic and historic, old riding traditions are restored.

Observe these majestic creatures from up close, as they finally take to the stage. Secluded from the masses, enjoy the spectacle from the most exclusive of views. The scene before you demonstrates harmony. Both rider and horse are well-trained. The mutual trust between them is palpable, an energy you’ll savour from the best seats in the house.

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